Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Keezhadi - Musings on the origins of Indian Civilisations and Writing Systems

I have a fascination for ancient Indian history and in particular for languages and scripts that have eluded decipherment over the centuries. It's a strictly amateurish interest though. I have no new research to offer. Only a combination of recorded history and speculation. My earlier article on the Saraswati river elicited a lot of interest so here's the next one almost 10 years later!

When I started writing this article, I wasn't sure where it was going. It seems to have meandered along between the origins of homo sapiens to the Iron Age and arrived at my favourite hobby horse - ancient scripts! 

Enjoy the read.  

The small town of Keezhadi (also written as Keeladi) is situated on the bank of the Vaigai river near Madurai in Southern Tamil Nadu. The ASI (Archeological Survey of India) commenced excavations in 2013, barely 10 years ago. Subsequently, the Tamil Nadu Archaeology Department has taken over with excavations continuing to date. The findings have been interesting and controversial too! 

To explore further, we need to rewind into prehistory - to the time when homo sapiens developed in Africa and started migrating outwards. 

Though the migration of primitive humans out of Africa started very early, it is generally accepted that the 'recent dispersal' of humans out of Africa around 50,000 - 70,000 years ago led to stable human populations around the world. There seem to have been two streams of population that moved into India. One that entered through North West India and moved across the Indo Gangetic plain towards South East Asia and the second a stream that entered India along the western coast and moved southwards and then back up the east coast. The two streams merged in eastern Indian and moved together thereafter.


Paleolithic (early stone age hunter gatherers dating from 500,000 - 10,000 BCE) sites have been found in various parts of India including Tamil Nadu (Attirampakkam) pointing to widespread development of stone tools and weapons. Some of these societies progressed into a Neolithic culture with the development of agriculture, pottery and finer stone tools. Neolithic cultures have been observed in several sites in Tamil Nadu as well. The dates here range from 2800 - 1500 BCE

The next significant human development has been the ability to use metal, starting with copper and bronze. India entered the Bronze Age with the Harappan Culture in around 3000 BCE. Interestingly, there does not appear to be any evidence of Neolithic cultures transiting to the Bronze Age anywhere else in India. Rather, in places like Tamil Nadu, Iron Age cultures have appeared without evidence of an intervening Bronze Age at all. One such example is Keezhadi.

However, before we come to that, one significant point that does strike me is that the Paleolithic and subsequent Neolithic cultures that came up in India in various places came up independently. There does not appear to be a link between them and there is no one 'mother culture' or primal site that came up first and the others followed. Secondly, Paleolithic cultures came up in all parts of India implying that both streams of migration out of Africa (Coastal and Indo Gangetic) were productive insofar as future development of mankind is concerned. These inferences are very important for the subsequent analysis in this article.

The traditional Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) postulates that the invading Aryans defeated the inhabitants of the Harappan civilisation who were the original Dravidians and forced them to disperse southwards. This happened suddenly in around 1200 BCE. Thus, the Bronze Age Harappans dispersed carrying with them the knowledge of smelting of Bronze that they had been using over the years. One would have expected them to use that knowledge in their new homelands and set up Bronze Age settlements elsewhere but surprisingly that did not happen. The Harappan script also did not make an appearance in any of the places where the people had allegedly moved to. The purpose of the foregoing is not to suggest a solution to the mystery of the Harappan civilisation but rather to postulate that there does not appear to have been a significant (sudden or on a big scale in a short period) level of contact between the Harappan civilisation and other burgeoning civilisations in India. The alternate view that there was no dramatic AIT and that due to a change in weather patterns and the drying of the rivers like the Saraswati, the inhabitants of the Harappan Civilisation gradually dispersed into the subcontinent, primarily into the fertile Indo Gangetic plain and their language and technology largely withered away.  

Coming back to Keezhadi

There is an excellent museum near the archaeological site that explains the findings in a simple fashion. It is clear that Keezhadi was an Iron Age settlement from the third Sangam period in Tamil Nadu. The dates have been well established by radiocarbon dating as 580 BCE to 300 CE. There are many iron artifacts such as sickles, nails and rods and remnants of furnaces and ore that clearly establish that it was indeed an Iron Age site. Interestingly, gold bars and jewelry have also been found so it is clear that the inhabitants had an understanding of other metals as well. Perhaps, the use of Bronze may have been for a short period or not at all. I was unable to find any references to the use of Bronze at Keezhadi though. There is also ample evidence of seafaring trade with the middle East and even Europe as there are many Roman coins that have been unearthed. 

The question is whether Keezhadi developed independently as an Iron Age site or was there movement of Harappan Civilisation people southwards consequent to the Aryan Invasion that led to its establishment? 

Frankly, the idea that the Harappans populated Keezhadi strains credibility. Amongst ample evidence of Paleolithic and Neolithic sites in the vicinity and the direct development of iron working that the Harappan Civilization never had it appears highly unlikely that the Harappans trekked thousands of km southwards and developed iron working skills along the way to set up Keezhadi. It is far more likely that this is an independent development. 

The most interesting thing from my perspective was the use of the Tamil Brahmi script at Keezhadi. The script is referred to as Tamili locally indicative perhaps of a desire to appropriate an indigenous origin to the script. Tamil Brahmi is clearly recognizable as Ashokan Brahmi with a few alterations/additions to accommodate sounds not commonly used in North India. 

Fragments of potsherds with Tamil Brahmi writing have been found at Keezhadi that have been dated to 580 BCE via radiocarbon dating. 

The date presents a problem. As of now, the earliest examples of Brahmi inscriptions are from Emperor Ashoka's time 268 - 232 BCE. Tamil Brahmi is said to have evolved via interaction with the Mauryan kingdom, not the other way round. So did the script emerge first in Tamil Nadu and then travel Northwards? There is a controversy around this point. Many archeologists question the methodology that was used for radiocarbon dating at Keezhadi pointing to 580 BCE as the earliest date for when the settlement came into being, not when the potsherds were inscribed with Tamil Brahmi letters A similar controversy exists around Sri Lankan Brahmi with findings from Anuradhapura allegedly predating Ashokan Brahmi. 

The dating controversy notwithstanding, it is clear that Brahmi was in universal use in India around 250 BCE with several languages using a common script. There are 3 alternative theories pertaining to Brahmi's origins as follows:
  1. Brahmi emerged as an adaptation of a Semitic script. Trade contacts with the Phoenicians existed for a long time in both North and South India. The script candidates from which Brahmi is said to have been derived include Aramaic and Kharosthi.  
  2. Brahmi evolved out of the Harappan Script. 
  3. Ashoka created Brahmi and enforced it as a script for universal use
The Harappan Script had died out by 1200 BCE while Brahmi emerged around 250 BCE. Hence there is a gap of 1000 years in between. Some scholars point to an evolution from Harappan to Brahmi in inscriptions at Bet Dwarka and Daimabad but these claims are unsubstantiated as indeed the decipherment of the Harrapan script itself is still elusive. Scholars also remain indecisive about the derivation of Brahmi from a Semitic script. The differences appear to be more than the similarities.

That essentially leaves us with the enigmatic and powerful Mauryan emperor Ashoka. Did he decree the creation of a Script (Dhamma Lipi) for his edicts that was simple and easy to read? It is not beyond the realms of possibility as there was no script available in India at that time. Perhaps he looked at the plus points from Semitic scripts and modified them to create Brahmi. This amazing script led to the evolution to writing systems throughout Asia and it is estimated that today as many as 198 scripts are derived from it. After the collapse of the Mauryan empire, local scripts continued to evolve but as late as the Gupta period, almost 700 years later an educated person could still read Ashokan Brahmi.

So ending on an optimistic and wishful note. Perhaps India needs to consider bringing back a universal script that could be used by all languages (and what better candidate than Brahmi?). This would facilitate the ability to read all Indian languages even if you can not understand the words. A similar situation prevails in Europe and even Turkey adopted the Roman script under Ataturk. 

Perhaps the long arm of Emperor Ashoka can still reach out and bless us with the benediction of a universal, nation wide script.


  1. Shashi Kalathail
    Very scholarly Debu πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ™‡πŸΎ‍♂️
    I have for some time now held the view that genetically the difference between North and South Indians suggests 2 independent civilisational streams.
    Around the 14th century using Adi Shankara as the medium all this was brought together by the early Vijaynagar kings. The entire south was united using a version of Vedic-Brahminic-Sanskritic what started getting called hinduism. This was eminently successful as the Vijaynagar Empire held the various Muslim hordes that had reached the Deccan by the 12th century at bay for some 350 years !!!
    Upper caste south Indians carry the same genetic marker that ALL north Indian males have.

  2. A very nicely thought out and written paper. It is these various interpretations and viewpoints that give rise to more research and hopefully a definitive conclusion.
    My two cents worth: Considering that the widely held view is that the Keeladi Tamil Brahmi inscriptions predate emperor Ashoka, it is very unlikely that the emperor enforced a common script all through his empire.
    But my bigger point is - why think of a common script now? A local script is part of a local culture. Just as we protect endangered species it is important that we protect endangered cultures. Because human civilisation and human cultures and inseparable. Nations (as defined by geographical boundaries) will come and go. History teaches us that. Cultures live on and evolve organically. The day nations attempt to interfere in this natural evolution would be a step backward for human civilisation.

    1. "Just as we protect endangered species it is important that we protect endangered cultures" - Very true.

    2. There is a controversy regarding the dating of Keezhadi Brahmi inscriptions. Many historians have challenged the methodology used as I've mentioned in the article. To your broader point, a common script makes the language more accessible. I think Europe has benefitted from having a common script. Malaysia and Indonesia use Roman as well. I think Indians would benefit if we can read each other's languages.

    3. European languages are relatively new, when compared to the Asian ones. Many of them did not have a script to start with, and adapted the Roman (which in turn was derived from Latin) script. Only the fonts were different. The sub-continent languages have a script of their own, which have developed and evolved over centuries. Having a common script is as good as killing the scripts developed by our ancestors.
      If on the other hand reasons for creating a common script override the need to preserve the mother script, why not use the Roman script like the Malays? Going by the Vasudaiva Kutumbakam concept we should choose the script most widely used across the world today, not just one part of the world.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. , Ashokan edicts are also in Kharoshti and North West. Which means he was conscious of local scripts and messaged in local languages and didn'ttry to impose Brahmi. So perhaps Brahmi was already familiar in other areas

    1. The date of the Keezhadi Brahmi inscriptions is controversial as discussed. It's unlikely that Brahmi was in common use at that time as more inscriptions would have shown up by now. Also in my view getting the whole country to adopt one script is a big job. It would probably need a strong Central push

  5. A well-researched, excellent short write-up that offers food for thought. The suggestion that Brahmi could be adopted as a universal script in Bharat is worthwhile considering. I think Debu could go for a full-length thesis on the subject of Bharatiya writing systems, if he is willing to spare the time for extensive research. If he does undertake such a project, I am sure his work will find a prominent place in the annals of Bharatiya Itihasa.

    1. I'm strictly an amateur. Plenty of more qualified and learned historians around to do the job.

  6. Asoka used his script without mentioning anything about having invented it. So Brahmi probably existed before him. And during Asoka era itself no other inscription is found anywhere else. The Mahameghavahana king Kharavela was next to inscribe in Brahmi but none else of his own dynasty left any surviving inscription. All surviving Brahmi Inscriptions are from remote places like caves and pillars in long abandoned settlements or in buried coins.

    Same is true of Tamil Brahmi location
